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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

Pobble  - Making writing ridiculously exciting

In Spring 2017 Larwood School introduced to the pupils. makes writing exciting for pupils because they are able to become published authors! Each week class teachers pick one or two children from their class to have their writing published. Teachers simply snap a picture of the writing and send it to Pobble. From there teachers, other pupils and parents can read and start to comment on pupils writing. Teachers, pupils and parents call all have their own login to Pobble and comment on the pupils’ work. Children are finding it so exciting to log in to Pobble and see if their writing has been published. They’re enjoying seeing the likes and positive comments from their friends, parent and teachers. Pobble has delivered a workshop to the children and they all know the rules of commenting. Comments have to be kind, helpful and encouraging or the team at Pobble will not allow them to be published. Children are so motivated by the introduction of Pobble. They are fully aware that their writing could be published online to a real audience which could be viewed worldwide. The chance to peer evaluate the work of other pupils is an instrumental tool in developing capable learners.