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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

Our Local Offer

All of our pupils arrive at Larwood having been assessed, and already with the provision of an Education health care plan. This is completed in conjunction with a pupil’s current school, their parents, colleagues from health and care and the local authority.

More information relating to Hertfordshire’s local offer can be found by using this link.

All parents are strongly advised to speak to their local SEN Officer to seek support for an educational health care plan and support for their child before seeking admission to Larwood School.

Our school offer comprises of the following features, which enable our community to achieve, believe, expect and enjoy:

  • All pupils have a statement or EHC plan for social, emotional and behavioural needs
  • Pupils join Larwood after a provision panel has agreed their need and suitability for placement at Larwood School. Following this an initial meeting is arranged for pupil and parents, with a follow up meeting completed by our family support worker. After this a program of entry is agreed. This may be full time, part time and graduated according the individual and the context provided.
  • Some pupils may have other identified needs such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, oppositional and defiance disorder, speech and language issues and some may have some identified medical needs.
  • Pupils with identified medical needs are supported on a day to day basis by our care team and also at regular intervals by our school nurse.
  • Well trained staff who support pupils in small classes and are trained to use Hertfordshire Steps as a proactive behaviour management process. We emphasise the positive and have a range of reward systems in place which motivate and encourage our pupils to make the right choices.
  • Ongoing staff training that supports pupils via our own identified targets of PROGRESS, WELL –BEING AND SUSTAINABILITY.
  • High levels of support and staffing for play and social times such as lunchtimes
  • The use of external professionals to support and guide pupils, parents and staff. This includes speech and language, education psychologist, psychiatric nurse, school nurse and family support workers
  • Careful guidance is put into place to support school transfer when leaving Larwood. Our pupils transfer back to mainstream or secondary SEBD provision at this point in time. This is agreed again via a provision panel. Our support for this process starts during Year 5 with a meeting where all secondary Headteachers are available to discuss placement, alongside colleagues from the local authority. It should be noted that transport is only provided to the nearest SEBD secondary provider. More information related to secondary provision, post 16 provision and transport can be found here, using this link.