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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

About Us

Larwood Primary School aims to provide a nurturing environment for children with social, emotional and mental health related issues. We also have pupils with autistic spectrum condition, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder diagnosed as part of their special educational needs. Great emphasis is placed upon staff/pupil relationships with small classes (below 10) and teachers being supported by Learning Support Assistants, to get the very best out of all of our children. As the school is named after the great English bowler Harold Larwood, great emphasis is placed upon hard work, attitude to learning, being a member of a team and trying things which may be different.

Positive reinforcement via our reward system of points is at the heart of our school ethos. Trips, notes home, medals, certificates and raffle prizes help our children to make changes and work within a structure of rules and systems that promote progression and achievement. This also helps everybody keep safe and enables all members of the school community to enjoy themselves.  Our school motto is


Achieve all you can by listening, looking and learning


Believe in yourself, believe in others and be part of a positive team


Expect to learn, expect to grow and develop in all areas of your education


Enjoy every lesson, every day and enjoy your time at Larwood!

We aim for every child to experience an outstanding education whilst at Larwood School ensuring that they make progress in every area of their development. We will achieve this by:

  • By providing a dynamic and flexible curriculum with emphasis on Literacy, numeracy and creativity. Ensuring that every child has a strong and respectful relationship with the adults that work with them.
  • Providing a safe and secure environment which allows children to relax, have fun and enjoy themselves. All members of The Larwood School community are valued. We ensure that pupils are rewarded for getting things right and we apply consequences when they don’t.
  • By challenging children to succeed in all areas of school life, ensuring that pupils understand that we all make mistakes and that success comes in many forms. This may include improved behaviour, subject progression, and could be related to relationships and trust. All staff will ensure that Hertfordshire Steps is consistently used to engage, modify and aid pupils on their journey of improved progress.
  • By working with other parties to ensure we get the very best out of our children. This includes parents, other professionals such as the Educational Psychologist, Attendance Officer, School Nurse, SEN Officers and Speech and Language specialists.
  • We model the fact that we never stop learning and engender a love of learning for all, as this is vital for our children and us in the ever-changing society that we live in.