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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust



At Larwood School we believe that high-quality Art lessons will inspire our children to think innovatively and develop their individual creative potential.

Our Art curriculum provides children with the opportunities to develop their skills through a range of media and materials. Children explore the fundamental skills of drawing, painting, printing, 3D modelling and textiles, and are given the chance to investigate and evaluate their creative ideas. The children are exposed to a range of artists across the disciplines and develop their knowledge and vocabulary linked to the creative arts.

The skills they will acquire are designed so that they can be applied to the cross-curricular topics. The children can use these art skills to enhance their topics and investigate learning at greater depth.

It is critical that as a means of expression, the children’s artwork is purposeful. We ensure the children are clear of the intended outcomes and have ways to measure their work against this.

In Art, we intend for the children to be reflective in evaluating their work and the work of others. This is significant and continuous throughout their art journey across the school, supported by evidence of age-related verbal and written reflection.


The implementation of the Art and Design curriculum at Larwood School is drawn from the knowledge progression set out in the National Curriculum combined with a skills-based art curriculum and links to our topics to ensure a well-structured approach. This provides the children with the opportunity to express their creativity alongside providing opportunities to develop mastery in the key processes: drawing, painting, printing, textiles and sculpture.

Lessons involve studying the work of a range of relevant artists before focussing on a particular style from where the learning evolves. They build on the key skills and create a journey before completing a final piece. Children are given constructive feedback and further opportunities for evaluation and improvement are planned for to ensure the skills continue to develop. Evidence of their learning journey is documented through individual sketch books which compliment a ‘research, design, make and evaluate’ model.

This approach to implementation ensures a clear and comprehensive scheme of work which demonstrates progression in knowledge and skills across the key stages.

Educational trips with applicable links to art and visits from local artists and craft makers will be made to enhance the children’s learning experiences.


As a result of the high quality art curriculum the use of a full range of resources will increase  the profile of art in the school. The learning environment will remain consistent throughout the school and community as we want to ensure art is loved by pupils and teachers. An integral part of the Art curriculum at Larwood School is for the children to understand what it means to be an ‘artist’.

The impact is measured through:

  • Assessing the record of progress and attainment against the National Curriculum expectations.
  • Assessing children’s understanding through pupil conferencing with their class teacher.
  • Images and 3D work of children’s practical learning
  • Progress on Depth of Learning