Please see guidance for parents on emotionally based school avoidance.
This guidance has been developed by Hertfordshire integrated services for learning and with input from the attendance team, ESMA, the advisory teacher service and DSPL8. Although this guidance has not been specifically written for parents/carers of children with special educational needs, this does contain some practical strategies to support your child at home, as well as signposting to external services and information on the best way to communicate with the school and the importance of this in the support of your child's positive reintegration.
Should you require further information about this and how school support pupils and their families with emotionally based school avoidance please contact or 01438 236 333.
We will be offering a parent session on this subject early in the new year.
Sian Ford
Mental Health Lead and Designated Senior Person for Child Protection
Larwood School
01438 236333 - Main School Number