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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

RED NOSE DAY - 24th MARCH 2017

The difference you can make!

There are some incredible projects, in the UK and Africa, that have found effective ways to tackle poverty and injustice. We have Red Noses for sale at school for £1.00. Your money means we can help continue to fund these great projects.

A Message from Raymond - Ghana Aged 14

If all you do is work all day, just to survive, there’s no time to get an education. This simple, sad fact traps millions of children in poverty. Raymond used to be one of them.

Today though, thanks to you, Raymond is getting an education. So are many others like him. Your generosity has given him, and them, a future.

"Education is important. I will get a better job and can feed myself and my family."
Raymond, 14, Ghana

Hannah's Story

Hannah started to feel isolated and overwhelmed immediately after the birth of her son, Noah. Her anxiety soon turned into panic attacks. She started to question if she was a good enough mother and compare herself to other parents.

“I felt very isolated and hugely overwhelmed by being a new mum. It made me question how capable I was to look after my son. It affected the relationship I had with my family.”

Hannah, 31, went to see her GP who diagnosed her with postnatal depression and prescribed her anti-depressants, however Hannah started to develop health anxieties around taking them. She discovered Bluebell Care Trust online, a charity that provides support and one-to-one outreach to mums and dads who experience pre or postnatal depression.

“It’s invaluable to be able to meet with a mum and tell her honestly that you do understand how she’s feeling but, more importantly, be able to say that I’ve been in that place once and you do get better.”

Hannah is now a Bluebell Buddy – a peer-to-peer support worker. She carries out home visits and says being able to tell mothers she understands what they’re going through, and reassure them that they will get better, is vital to helping parents regain control of their lives.

Cash raised through Red Nose Day is helping to fund maternal mental health projects, such as Bluebell Care Trust. Based in Bristol, the charity supports mums, dads and their families dealing with depression related to pregnancy and birth. It offers support groups and one-to-one mentoring, and will also soon establish a drop-in centre in the city centre.

If you have been affected by maternal mental health issues and would like more information on support and services please visit the Maternal Mental Health Alliance.