Outstanding Governor Awards 2018

Outstanding Governor Awards 2018
Picture left to right;
Andrew de Csilléry - Managing Director HfL
Sandra Barr - Chair of Governors @ Larwood School
Michael Taylor - Chair @ The Hertfordshire Association of School Governors
Earlier on in the year, Mr Newman nominated our Chair of Governors, Sandra Barr for the Hertfordshire Outstanding Governor Award 2018. Sandra has been in Governance for over 30 years, and Chair of Governing Body at Larwood School since it was opened by Tim Wood MP; on the 4th October 1996. That’s 32 years’ voluntary and outstanding service!
Herts for Learning (HfL) welcomed over 200 governors to the 2018 Hertfordshire Governors’ Conference, held at the Hertfordshire Development Centre, Stevenage on Saturday 17th November.
With the theme of ‘School Leaders Managing Change’, delegates enjoyed a comprehensive conference programme jointly put together by the HfL Governance Services team and the Hertfordshire Association of School Governors (HASG). Opening the conference, HfL’s Managing Director Andrew de Csilléry, recognised the important and integral role that governors play, as volunteers, in raising school standards in Hertfordshire. Rachel Macfarlane, Director of Education Services at HfL, shared an overview of Hertfordshire’s current academic results. However the most exciting part of the conference was the announcement that Sandra had been selected as the outstanding Governor of The Year for 2018.
Sean Trimble (Headteacher) stated that this is a fantastic award and it is great to see Herts for Learning recognising Sandra's dedication and impact, during many years of service. She has always put pupils first, but has constantly considered the challenge that staff and families face when trying to create the very best learning circumstances for our pupils. I have never known a governor to give so much of her time for all concerned. She really is a 'one of a kind!'
Thank you, well done, and congratulations Sandra!