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Larwood School

Part of Larwood Academy Trust

Mr Van der Merwe's Blog

March 2023

  • Change is coming!

    Published 17/03/23, by Nic Newman

    Dear Parents/ Carers  

    As we approach the last few weeks leading up to Easter, I would like to inform you of some changes and developments at Larwood school. 

    But firstly, I would like to thank all our wonderful children for their continued hard work and parents and carers for their continued support. You may be aware that we have several external professionals visiting us at regular intervals, including staff and visitors from other schools. The comments are always positive, and they are amazed by how welcome the staff and pupils make them feel.   

    From a staffing perspective we sadly have to say our farewells to our chef that has managed to upgrade and maintain high food standards to keep those tummies full. Jemima will be greatly missed, and we wish her well. Other changes to roles and responsibilities have been communicated directly to you.  Please be reassured that we endeavour to continue to build on our strong staffing structure to maintain a high-quality provision for our pupils. 

    We are growing our numbers! 

    In agreement with County, we are increasing our pupil on roll number to 101. This is a very important and positive change, which means that we could now offer more opportunities to pupils that are in desperate need of placement. HCC is also funding and constructing two new classrooms to facilitate this increase in numbers. 

    Important, safety! 

    Groundworks and construction will start on the 3rd of April, and they aim to complete the project by the 9th of June. Although construction will continue throughout the term, every safety measure has been put in place to ensure that safety of staff and pupils. The area will be cordoned off and is off-limits to all staff and pupils. I will host several assemblies with individual classes, explaining what they can expect to see when they return to school, what the expectations are and how to stay safe. Staff will also give constant reminders of risk and I ask you to do the same at home. Please feel free to get in contact with me directly if you have any questions or concerns.  

    I wish you a well-deserved Easter holiday filled with love and laughter  

    Mr Van  

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