Covid-19 READY!

Much of this month has been dominated by Covid, the substantial rise in infection rates and the associated uncertainty that it also brings to many areas of life. We continue to provide the following:
- Different methods of entry/exit to school to reduce potential transmission
- Revised lesson plans that include outdoor learning where possible and all activities are based on site
- Pupils remaining in class bubbles whilst on site
- Revised lunchtime arrangements to avoid classes mixing
- Enhanced cleaning and the we have purchased our own ‘fogging machine’ as an additional cleaning measure
- Regular hand washing by all staff and pupils
- Limited entry to visitors to try and maintain our continuity of provision
- Revised risk assessment and operating protocols. This deals with risk and procedures for when staff/pupils catch Covid 19
- Dedicated planning and training for staff/pupils to use Microsoft Teams in a variety of situations
We will monitor and revise our practice as we need to but we have ensured that we meet guidance and in fact where possible, go above and beyond any guidance offered. Staff and pupils continue to react superbly to the changes and I thank them all for their help and cooperation.