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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

Nurture Room

In January 2017 ‘Cub’ was created with the idea of offering additional support to the younger children in the school. It is run by two members of staff and the sessions are planned with a nurture structure behind them promoting and focussing on:

  • Taking turns.
  • Friendships.
  • Trust
  • Manners
  • Behaviour
  • Sharing
  • Transition around school.
  • Fine motor skills.

Each child in KS1 has four planned sessions a week. The children come in groups of three and are normally of the same age. During the course of the week the children have access to a range of activities including: playing games, art and Lego. One of their favourite’s is cooking as they get to enjoy their produce at home.

The children are thriving and thoroughly enjoying their time in Cub and its proving to be highly successful and beneficial to all involved.