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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust


The latest Lowdown is available for download!

July 2017: Larwood Lowdown, VOLUME 5, ISSUE 6 is available for download!

Term dates, children's work, jokes, Larwood advertising and much more!

Click the PDF logo below

The end of the summer term is here and as always, I am left wondering ‘where did that year go?’

I would like to thank you all for supporting our recent sports day and our review meetings. Having read and commented on all the annual reports for pupils, it is really pleasing to see and reflect upon how much progress many of your sons/daughters have made. I will always be just as keen to notice and celebrate the ‘softer skills’ that cannot be measured via a test, such as holding a door open for others or by offering a caring gesture to a friend in need.  We are lucky to see so many magic moments during the year and although there are always challenges that we face, we will always remember those magic moments.


We are fully staffed for September but there are some changes to note. We say a fond farewell to Mrs Kimpton who has served the school with dedication and determination for many years. She has had two stints at Larwood starting in 1996 and remains as passionate and dedicated as the day she started here! We all wish her and her family the very best of luck for her retirement. We will miss her!

We also say goodbye to Mr Quilty. He has spent just over two years at Larwood and he has worked with many pupils in his role of covering absent teachers and interventions, but also in matters such as creating and refining the Year 6 leavers DVD. A man of many talents! He moves onto a different role within a school setting and again, we wish him the very best for the future.

Year 6

As always there will be a few tears when we say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils on Friday. They have undertaken transition activities with staff and have visited their new schools. I have really enjoyed seeing so many of them develop during the last few years and I really do wish them well in their new schools. We have tried to ensure that this year has been the most comprehensive transfer of information that we have ever had. I would like to thank colleagues at Hailey Hall and Brandles for their support and time with this process.


As usual we are, and will continue to review many aspects of our work and how well they have gone, alongside what we could do even better next year. Most of these reports are accessible via the school website and I would welcome any feedback that you may have in relation to your experiences with us.

Finally, my thanks are extended to all the staff and governors who have made this year such a positive one at Larwood School. The staff do an amazing job with huge dedication and our governors continue to challenge and support us to try and create the very best learning environment for your children.

All the best for summer

S D Trimble
