The latest Lowdown is available for download!

May 2016: Larwood Lowdown, VOLUME 4, ISSUE 5 is available for download!
New term dates, children's work, jokes, Larwood advertising and much more!
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SAT's V's Ducklings
This term has seen a series of firsts in the history of our nation. You may be forgiven for losing sight of the fact that the Queen reached such an important milestone but we at Larwood didn’t. Notice boards, assemblies and a planned party next half term will ensure it is truly celebrated at our school.
I have never known so much press coverage related to SATs! What with headlines about pressure, impossible papers and leaked answers, you maybe wondering what was going on. I admit to be a Headteacher who questions the validity of SATs on an annual basis. Particularly this year, whereby pupils across the nation, have only experienced two years of a new curriculum and assessment schemes. However, our school ethos and approach to this yearly situation has not changed. Class teachers ensure that suitable preparation takes place, with lots of help and support and then we ask a very simple request from our pupils-‘give the tests your best shot’. I am very proud of your sons and daughters who did exactly that. Unlike the Education Minister, I am very much in support of the fact that we take our pupils out and celebrate their efforts after the tests. They deserve it!
Another first for our school has been the arrival of some duck eggs which have now hatched. To say that they are cute would be a huge understatement! I hope that you have had an opportunity to see them on our live Facebook feed, and all classes have been able to visit them in Miss Trott’s class. It has been amazing to see the positive effect this process has had on our pupils. Their knowledge and enthusiasm for Science has rocketed, they have discussed various topics relating for feeding, caring and how to handle them. Older pupils have led younger pupils on what to do with them and I am expecting a number of requests from pupils (both verbally and in writing) asking for us to keep them! Individual care, team work, research, use of persuasion, animation and diary entries are just a few examples of what the duckling project has encouraged. Alongside this, it is also noticeable how a few members of staff (actually-all of the staff!) have needed to check the ducks in the morning and after school just to make sure they are ok! My thanks to Miss Trott for leading on this project.
So, the question is what have the pupils in Year 6 gained more from? Ducks or SAT’s? Well, just in case you can’t guess the answer, it is definitely not a 40 minute test about spelling, punctuation or grammar! Pokey and his fellow fluffy friends certainly win the argument for me, the rest of the staff and the children!
Finally, my thanks to all parents and carers for your continued support. I have met many of you recently, during annual reviews and it is always a pleasure to reflect on how much progress your children are making due to our partnership.
S.D. Trimble