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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

2016 to 2017 Term Dates

2016 to 2017 term dates

Spring Term 2016:

Good Friday: Friday 25th March
Easter Monday: Monday 28th March
End of term: Friday 1st April at 2:20pm

Summer Term 2016:   

First day of term: Monday 18th April
Half term break: Monday 30th May to Friday 3rd June
End of term: Friday 22nd July at 1:00pm

Autumn Term 2016:

INSET day:  Tuesday 30th August  
First day of term:  Wednesday 31st August 
Half Term Break:  Monday 17th October to Friday 28th October inc.
Last day of term:  Wednesday 21st December at 1:20

Spring Term 2017:   

First day of term:  Thursday 5th  January 
Half term break:  Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February inc.
End of term:   Friday 31st March at 2:20pm

Summer Term 2017:

First day of term:  Tuesday 18th April 
May Bank holiday:   Monday 1st May
Half term break:   Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June inc.
End of term  Thursday 20th July 1:00