Christmas Play - Two Showings: 11th December @2pm & 6pm BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment

Our school Christmas production this year is The Elves and the Shoemaker.
This year Larwood School will be putting on a musical production for Christmas! Whether your child has been involved or not we would love for you to come and see the show. There are two performances of The Elves and the Shoemaker: A musical, on December 11th, one at 2pm and the other at 6pm.
A letter went home with a form attached at the bottom to indicate how many seats parents and carers would like. If you do not have the letter, please call 01438 236333 and book seats via reception or download and print the letter from the Parents Zone on the website and send the slip in with your child. Please indicate on the form how many seats you like and to which performance.