Children in Need (((UPDATE)))

HOT OFF THE PRESS.....Thank you Team Larwood, that's you too parents and carers! Today's Children in Need event raised £168.68! Amazing! Thank you for your support! It was a great day, cozy, warm and a bit sleepy (((yawn))) the delicious cakes were enjoyed by all and quickly sold out! Massive thanks to Miss Clulow, Miss Trott, the curriculum cookery group and to everyone who got involved in this succe...ssful day, it was amazing seeing everyone having fun and raising money for a brilliant cause!!!
Dear Parents and Carers,
We will be having a fundraiser on Friday 14th November for Children in Need. Children and staff are invited to come in pyjamas so we are asking for a contribution of £1 from each student and £2 from each member of staff. Children can also bring in their favourite teddy and bed time story if they like. Children will be allowed to wear slippers or anti slip socks. Outdoor play will be replaced with indoor play and the option to watch a cartoon at play time. We will also be holding a bake sale at playtime.
Cupcakes 50p
Mini cupcakes 30p
Cookies 20p
Chocolate bears 20p
Thank you for your support,
Miss Clulow
Class Teacher