Proposed Change of School Category

Notice is given in accordance with section 19(3) of the Education & Inspections Act 2006 that:
The Governing Body of Larwood School intends to make a prescribed alteration to Larwood School, which is currently a community special school located at Webb Rise, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 5QU, email:
The proposed alteration is to change the school category from community special to foundation special and the proposed implementation date is 1st September 2014. The school will not have a foundation.
Notice is given in accordance with section 19(3) of the Education & Inspections Act 2006 that:
The Governing Body of Larwood School intends to make a prescribed alteration to Larwood School, which is currently a community special school located at Webb Rise, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 5QU, email:
The proposed alteration is to change the school category from community special to foundation special and the proposed implementation date is 1st September 2014. The school will not have a foundation.
The rationale for changing category to foundation special school can be summarised as follows:
The governing body of Larwood School want to continue to pursue the very highest levels of educational excellence for all members of its community. By having greater control over assets, a greater range of ideas can be explored and an increased level of autonomy can also be enjoyed. Whilst maintaining the wish to remain a key part of the Hertfordshire educational landscape, the governing body also wants the ability to be as creative and innovative as possible. The autonomy mentioned above enables us to maintain and strengthen our position within the local and Hertfordshire Community and continue the drive to become recognised as one of the best providers of SEBD education in the country.
Our most recent Ofsted report for day pupils (Jan 14) noted that we are now classed as good in all areas, with good capacity to continue this drive to outstanding. It noted the strong leadership of the Headteacher, senior staff and the governing body and that there were examples of pupils making outstanding progress. ‘High expectations for the future’ were noted as being present from the governing body as part of this Ofsted report. We see this report, current development plan, and self evaluation as all indicators that foundation status would be a logical and appropriate step at this time. The governing body have a wealth of experience and devote great time and energy to ensure that standards continue to rise. The governing body, leadership team and staff have the capacity to accept the responsibility that foundation status would bring and thrive upon it in the future.
In due course and as part of the process, the governing body would be revised to meet the needs of becoming a foundation school.
Copies of the proposal can be obtained from the school by writing or emailing the Governing Body at the addresses above.
Within 4 weeks from the date of publication of this proposal any person may object to or make comments on the proposal by sending them by email or writing to the Governing Body (address above).
Sandra Barr, Chair of Governors, Larwood School
Date: Tuesday 22nd April 2014