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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

Welcome Back! 2013

As we prepare to embark upon a new school year I would like to extend a heartfelt 'Welcome back' to all our pupils, parents and carers and hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer with friends and loved ones.............

As we prepare to embark upon a new school year I would like to extend a heartfelt 'Welcome back' to all our pupils, parents and carers and hope that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable summer with friends and loved ones.  For our pupils returning to school, it is a time filled with anticipation and excitement as they prepare to reacquaint themselves with friends, to develop new relationships, and to enter a new school year. We made some pleasing progress last year, in a variety of areas but I would like to take this opportunity to assure you that we continue to pursue excellence in all that we do. Our motto of ‘achieve, believe, expect and enjoy’ is being pursued by all of my staff with your children, to try and ensure that they get the quality of education that they deserve. We relish the challenge of getting pupils to write with greater description and imagination, learn times tables, produce work that passes the Arts Award in Year 6, score the goal in football or climb Snowdon!

During the summer, the site team have been hard at work and we have had some updates in some of the pupil toilet areas, some changes made to showers and security in boarding, as well as some adjustments to the astro-turf area. I hope that next time you visit you will be impressed with our totally refurbished, reception area. Your son/daughter may be on our new wall of fame? If they are not, don’t panic!  They may well be on it in the future!

We have yet another exciting year to look forward to here at Larwood with a lot of new projects underway including the gym and dance display and the pantomime just to name a couple. 

Mrs Whitaker, Head of our Physical Education department and Mr Taylor from our Stevenage Sporting Futures Team are planning some big events this year, so watch this space! There is also a rumour of new kit? 

Look out for the Larwood Lowdown at the end of each term. A copy will be sent home with each pupil but if for some reason it doesn't make it home, the Lowdown will be available here online under the 'Parent Zone' tab. The Lowdown is full of school news regarding events, achievements the children have made and important calendar dates for your diary. 

Do you own an 'iPhone'? Why not download our school App from your App store and keep constantly up to date with the latest news, calendar dates and the Lowdown. Simply search for: e4education, download the free App, search for Larwood via our postcode; SG1 5QU.

To all of our pupils, parents, carers, staff, professional visitors and community members, 'Welcome Back!'.  We all have an important role to play in the success of our pupils and I look forward to working closely with you throughout the 2013 - 2014 School Year to ensure that this is an exciting, fulfilling,and rewarding year for all of our pupils.

Sean Trimble 
Head Teacher