Our Chair of Governors has been inaugurated as The Mayor of Stevenage!

Mrs Sandra Barr, our Chair of Governors, has been inaugurated as Mayor of Stevenage with Miss Louisa Barr (daughter) as her Mayoress. Mayor Sandra Barr has very kindly shared with us part of her Inaugural speech:
I should very much like to introduce you to my three mayoral charities for the coming year.
My first is Leyden House, Stevenage Day Centre for Adults with Learning Disabilities. This is a centre of excellence for the most vulnerable and hidden residents in this town. They deservedly won Covid pride of Stevenage 2020, and are always struggling for extra funding to enrich the lives of the clients, who are amongst the poorest members of our community.
My second charity is Larwood Academy School, this is a special school for children with severe emotional, behavioural & mental health issues. They also have an outstanding outreach program open to all the primary schools in Stevenage, thus helping to keep the children of our town, who are feeling the stresses of modern life, post Covid, in mainstream school, trying to avert crisis situations in their educational life.
My third and last choice reflect my great love for the arts and particularly dance for children. I believe that dance, as well as being a great class leveller, is good for the body and the soul and once again so needed for our young people again in the new post Covid time.
Well done and congratulations to you both from us all at Larwood!
Click the link below for the full story at The Comet Newspaper