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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust


The start of a new academic year always promises so much! New pupils have been welcomed, changes made during the summer term and holiday now seem very old. There are clear examples of new plans continuing to be used to improve upon old strategies, but new ventures are also becoming part of our future plans.

We have welcomed new pupils and some new staff at the start of this academic year. Mrs. Smith is now our new Business Manager, but we retain the use of Mrs. Fitzpatrick for projects. We have also added to our Learning and Support Staff with the addition of Miss Kolthammer.

You may be aware that we had a visit from Ofsted inspectors during Wednesday 9th and Thursday 10th October. This was something that we had expected to happen as we were due such a visit. Until the final report is published I am not able to confirm the inspection outcomes, however, I look forward to sharing this with you, as soon as it is published.

During the summer term, we spent much time evaluating many areas of school life. As always, all of this material is available for you to read. The relevant section can be found in the following way:

·   -  See section tab-‘How Effective Are We?’

Our new School Development Plan highlights the continued need to continue improving in the areas of Progress, Well-Being and Sustainability. We continue to review the quality of teaching and learning every term by using lesson observations, mentoring and data related to behaviour and incidents. We know that we must continue to strive to refine and improve upon our practice, to ensure that all of your sons and daughters receive the outstanding education that they deserve. Your support is essential as we move forwards.

We continue to work very closely with Brandles School, and we are aiming for them to join Larwood Academy Trust by 1st January 2020. This will mean some staffing structural changes at Larwood and I will inform you of these as we move closer to the proposed date above. Any such change made will be completed so that it does not affect the day-to-day quality of educational provision and care that your children experience.

Please do not forget that our half term break starts today and pupils are not expected back until Monday 4th November at the normal time.

I wish you all a restful half term break.

Kind regards,

S D Trimble


All pupils return on
Monday 4th November 2019, at the normal time