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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

Larwood Lowdown Volume 6 Issue: That's all Folks!

Another year has flown by and we are very close to the start of the holidays. I am sure we are all hoping that the lovely weather continues!

I would like to thank you all for supporting our recent sports day and our review meetings. Having read and commented on all the annual reports for pupils, it is really pleasing to see and reflect upon how much progress many of your sons/daughters have made. I will always be just as keen to notice and celebrate the ‘softer skills’ that cannot be measured via a test, such as holding a door open for others or by offering a caring gesture to a friend in need. We are lucky to see so many magic moments during the year and although there are always challenges that we face, we will always remember those magic moments.

For September, we do welcome some new staff, as part of planned expansion and associated activities (please see below). Therefore, we have already inducted Mrs Patey, Mrs Friedrich and Miss Steer to join our team of Learning and Support Staff. We also welcome Mr Rooke and Miss Wood to the teaching staff and they will join us at the start of the new term.
We say a fond farewell to Miss Minster who will be starting a teaching role, closer to home. We also wish Mrs Crocker good luck in her new role at anther school from September.

Year 6
As always there will be a few tears when we say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils on Friday. They have undertaken transition activities with staff and have visited their new schools. I have really enjoyed seeing so many of them develop during the last few years and I really do wish them well in their new schools.

2018 - 2019
There will be some critical changes to our school as we go into next year. These include:

  • The conclusion and final decision in relation to the residential review consultation and potential expansion of day school numbers
  • The start of provision that will see our school supporting Stevenage primary schools and their pupils/staff with aspect of behaviour management and meeting the needs of some pupils.

Finally, my thanks are extended to all the staff and governors who have made this year such a positive one at Larwood School. The staff do an amazing job with huge dedication and our governors continue to challenge and support us to try and create the very best learning environment for your children.

All the best for summer!

S D Trimble - Headteacher


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