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Larwood School

Part of Brighter Futures Educational Trust

The Last BLOG! #UntilSeptember

The end of term draws close as I write this update. At Larwood it’s still go go go go!

Go for bubble based Sports Day events.
Great to see small groups of parents supporting children. For some this may be the first Sports Day they have been allowed to participate in and the first one you have watched? Enjoy!

Go for end of term reports!
These will be sent to you electronically by the end of the week. Having had the pleasure of reading and signing all of them, there are some cracking reports to go home. Plus, amazing progress has been achieved in the most unusual and again challenging of years.

Go for school based trip day on Thursday 22nd July.
A number of activities that will help to round off the year and if course, lots of fun for all involved.

Go for our end of year goodbye to our Year 6 pupils and parents.
For many this year, we continue the relationship, and we will ‘see you down the road’ at Brandles. For others going to Special or mainstream, I will be just as keen to check up and see how you are getting on. Due to the pandemic, this will again be in a different format, but it will always be a very special day for us all.

We do not say farewell to any staff at Larwood this year, but we do say goodbye to a number of staff at Brandles, which includes Mr Pearce, in his role as Headteacher. He isn’t going too far (The Valley School in Stevenage) but I must pass on my thanks for his hard work, dedication and great sense of perspective during the time we have worked together. He has created a great starting point for Mr

Smith (current Deputy Head at Brandles) to take over as Acting Head from September 2021. The very best of luck to all staff at Brandles who are moving on this year.

Thank you for your support and patience this year (see Larwood Lowdown) for longer version of this) and enjoy the very best summer break that you can.